Oral Presentation 13th Australian Peptide Conference 2019

A cyclic peptide toolkit to modulate PADI4 activity (#70)

Louise Walport 1 2 3 , Thomas Cummings 4 , Teresa M Bertran 3 , Hiroaki Suga 1 , Maria Christophorou 4
  1. The University of Tokyo, Tokyo
  2. Imperial College London, London
  3. The Francis Crick Institute, London
  4. The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh
Publish consent withheld
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  2. (2) Lewis, H.D., Nacht, M, iPAD or PADi—‘tablets’ with therapeutic disease potential? Curr Opin Chem Biol 33 (2016)
  3. (3) Obexer, R, Walport, L.J., Suga, H. Exploring sequence space: harnessing chemical and biological diversity towards new peptide leads Curr Opin Chem Biol 38 (2017)